AMPELITE – Specifications
Below are our standard specifications for our products.
please contact Ampelite if your require a full Specification tailored to your application.
The Translucent Sheeting shall be Permaglas Fibreglass Reinforced Polyester Sheeting, as manufactured by Ampelite (NZ) Limited. Ltd. – to comply with AS/NZS 4256 parts 1 & 2 : 1994. Licence No. SMKB 20119. The thickness of the sheet shall be *(Insert sheet thickness required eg. 1.1mm) and be manufactured to conform to the nominated profile and colour. Sheeting shall be installed in accordance with Ampelite fixing instructions”.
Wonderglas GC:
“The Translucent Sheeting shall be Wonderglas GC Fibreglass Reinforced Polyester Sheeting as manufactured by Ampelite (NZ) Limited. Ltd. to comply with AS/NZS 4256 parts 1 & 2 : 1994. Licence No. SMKB 20119. The thickness of the sheet shall be *(Insert sheet thickness required eg. 1.1mm) and be manufactured to conform to the nominated profile and colour. Sheeting shall be installed in accordance with Ampelite fixing instructions”.
Wonderglas Architectural Specification
Wonderglas Coolite IR4 Architectural Specification
Wonderglas Coolite IR8 Architectural Specification
Wonderglas S-996 SL – Architectural Specification
Wonderglas SL3 IR4 Bromine Free, Fire Retardant – Goodmans Specification
Wonderglas SL3 IR4 Bromine Free, Fire Retardant
Wonderglas SL3 IR4 Fire Retartand – Architectural Specification
Wonderglas SL3 IR8 Fire Retardant – Architectural Specification
“The Translucent Sheeting shall be Dualroof (DR-TW2, DR-TW5) skylight system as manufactured by Ampelite (NZ) Limited. Ltd. to comply with AS/NZS 4256 parts 1 & 2 : 1994. Licence No. SMKB 20119. The thickness of the sheet shall be *(Insert sheet thickness required eg. 1.1mm) and be manufactured to conform to the nominated profile and colour. Sheeting shall be installed in accordance with Ampelite fixing instructions”.
Webglas GC:
“The Translucent Sheeting shall be Webglas GC Fibreglass Reinforced Polyester Sheeting as manufactured by Ampelite (NZ) Limited. Ltd. to comply with AS/NZS 4256 parts 1 & 2 : 1994. Licence No. SMKB 20119. The thickness of the sheet shall be 2 mm and be manufactured to conform to the nominated profile and colour. Sheeting shall be installed in accordance with Ampelite fixing instructions”.
Webglas Architectural Specification
Webglas Coolite IR4 Architectural Specification
Webglas Coolite IR8 Architectural Specification
Webglas DR Premium Architectural Specification (No saftey mesh)
Webglas DR20-30 Architectural Specification (No saftey mesh)
Webglas GC SL Architectural Specification
Webglas GC SL3 Coolite IR4 Architectural Specification
Webglas SL3 Coolite IR8 Architectural Specification
Solasafe SS40 Polycarbonate:
“The Translucent Sheeting shall be SS40 Industrial Polycarbonate Sheeting. The thickness of the sheet shall be *1.2mm and be manufactured to conform to the nominated profile and colour. Sheeting shall be installed in accordance with Ampelite fixing instructions”.