AMPELITE – Safety and Storage
Safety and Storage
The sheeting should always be stored in a dry and fire safe area. Do not store heavy materials on top of sheets as they may fracture.
Recycling and disposal
Fibreglass sheeting is not recyclable and should be disposed of in a land fill. Do not incinerate fibreglass off-cuts as burning produces acrid smoke and noxious, toxic fumes.
Ampelite translucent sheeting is a non-trafficable material, Ampelite Webglas sheeting should be installed where foot traffic is required. Sheets should be handled with care to avoid damage to the surface coating. Guarantees will not apply to sheeting that has been mechanical damaged as a result of foot traffic.
Safety Data
There are no ill effects from handling ‘Ampelite’ Fibreglass sheets as a finished product. Some exposure to air-borne particles occurs on drilling, cutting and trimming of the material. Although there are no known cases of effect, even after long term exposure, it is recommended to take certain precautionary steps.
Effects of Exposure to Dust Particles
Eye Contact
Can cause irritation. Appropriate eye protection should be worn. If irritation occurs due to exposure to dust particles, wash eyes with running water using an eye bath or wash bottle. If irritation persists, seek medical advice.
Skin (contact)
Can cause irritation. Shower thoroughly using soap and a cloth or sponge.
Inhalation (breathing)
Dust masks are recommended although particles are not respirable.
Ingestion (swallowing)
Non-toxic. Extensive studies have revealed no serious effects.